Dear Subscribers, Contributors, and Viewers of the Columbia Urban Broadcast Network,

We would like to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you. Your unwavering support has been the driving force behind our efforts to create a network that reflects our community, values, and stories. We could not have come this far without your dedication and commitment to our independent grassroots movement.

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our official website and network platform Spring 2024. This platform will enable us to continue to tell our stories our way, and all the time. We are confident that this platform will provide us with a more extensive reach, and a greater ability to connect with and engage our viewers.

As we move closer to the launch date, we invite you to share your stories with us. We want to hear your voices, your experiences, and your perspectives. We believe that our network's strength lies in our collective stories and shared experiences. We want to continue to amplify and share these stories with the world.

So please, don't hesitate to email your stories to We want to hear from you and share your stories with our viewers.

Once again, thank you for your ongoing support. We look forward to the official launch of our network platform and the many exciting stories we will continue to share.


The Columbia Urban Broadcast Network Team

Cola Fashion week 2023

With Kayla Joy at Optus Bank 

155 Years of Service to West Columbia, SC 

Breaking down cultural barriers 

The Colony Apartments

CUBN All Rights Reserved- Columbia, S.C., Updated: January 12, 2023, The Colony Apartments are headed for complete closure according to sources. Residents have confirmed that they have been informed that the City of Columbia Officials including Code Enforcement are considering totally shutting down the Colony Apartments and vacating the units leaving hundreds of residents displaced. No word yet from The Monroe Group LTD. a Denver Colorado Based property management company that claims to specialize in low-income/subsidized housing across the United States. 

Be sure to check out "The Colony's Special Report" here

South Carolina Bill Threatens to Limit Education on Race, Religion, and Gender

Senate Hearing on HB. 3728

Wednesday March 15th, 2023

"We can work together, all moving forward together." - Catherine Fleming Bruce

Catherine Fleming Bruce Stops by the Historic St. John Baptist Church to discuss her candidacy for SCDP Chair- first in the Nation

S.C. Republicans attack on education

A new controversial bill advances in the statehouse that takes aim at African American History and LGBTQ+ full story here

THe Exodus- SCDP

Senator Mia McLeod leaves the Democrats

Sunday Soul -Table Talk! Where are the Democrats with Dr. Johnnie Cordero- South Carolina Community Black Caucus former chair and founder of the SCDP Black Caucus. 

Senator Mia McLeod leaves the Democrats- Full Story

CUBN, by Javar Juarez. Columbia, S.C. Sunday, January 15th, 2023. Senator Mia McLeod- Richland County District 22, Sent shock waves through the state when she announced this week that she was leaving the South Carolina Democratic Party. Her announcement has resonated with many voters across the state, particularly members of the Black community. 

McLeod is the first woman to represent House District 79, the first woman and African-American to represent Senate District 22, and the first black woman to run for governor of SC. Senator McLeod stated that her mission is to advance a “people-focused” platform that improves lives since she is now even more enlightened about the true state of our state and why so many of us lack the representation and resources we need to thrive here.

"After seven months of prayer and reflection, I’ve decided to leave the SC Democratic Party because it no longer espouses the values of my constituents. I want you to be the first to know that my decision isn’t meant to disparage anyone who identifies as an SC democrat, but the SCDP’s “party-focused” approach doesn’t work for the people. 

And if it doesn’t work for you, it doesn’t work for me."

"My parents taught us to always vote for the person whose vision and values were most aligned with ours. I’ve stayed true to that by working with and supporting honest, compassionate, empathetic servant-leaders of both parties. But, after fighting republicans and democrats for the past twelve years…it hurts to admit how often I’ve had to fight my own party, just to help my own people."

"the SCDP establishment hasn’t made any significant changes or won a gubernatorial race in 20 years.

If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing year after year, election after election, and expecting a different result, then the SC Democratic Party is the poster child for what a losing strategy on repeat looks like. "

"By not engaging, enlightening, or expanding the electorate…refusing to publicize the June Primary, and getting a historical top-of-the-ticket “shellacking” on November 8, the party ensured a republican super-majority and the losses of eight black legislators in the SC House, five of whom were black women.

Yet, a recent SCDP fundraising email acknowledges, “Black voters are the backbone of our party…” which makes me cringe because I’ve experienced first-hand how the party treats black voters and black women who run statewide."

House Minority Leader Todd Rutherford on Tuesday told reporters McLeod should step down and run as an independent. “I think that she was going to have several opponents anyway, and that may be why she has decided to do this, to try and bow out gracefully,” the Richland Democrat said. “But it’s not gracefully when you are a South Carolina senator, you’ve been in that position for years, you were a representative, and so all those things that she complained in her letter, are her. She was the one that wasn’t doing what she was supposed to be doing, so don’t blame that on the Democratic Party and Democrats as a whole.”


Tyler Jones, who is the South Carolina Democratic House Caucus Founder and campaign general consultant for Joe Cunningham, a gubernatorial candidate in the 2022 general election against the Republican incumbent Henry McMasters, said,  “I’ve considered Mia a friend for nearly 15 years. But this is nothing more than sour grapes and it only helps Republicans,” Jones Also tweeted after the release of Sen. McLeod’s statement “Who is your beef with & why? The SCDP for not handing you the nomination or for not rigging it in your favor? The voters for picking the other guy by 25 pts?”

with so many unprecedented and systemic challenges, none of us can afford to be blinded by party loyalty, silent on critical issues, or content with the status quo. Ever.


This is the problem. this is the issue that many of us have with the democratic party, and the black establishment too. In South Carolina, it appears that having a difference of opinion is a real problem for those who desperately want to stay in power. Our own community politics from the pulpit to the dais at all levels of government seemed to be rooted in corruption so that a select few of us have the power and wield it in a way that disenfranchises the larger group.


In a state with a poverty rate well above the national average, and right here in Richland County where some of the most powerful black democrats are, the black community has continued to suffer in the job market, with housing, and issues with law enforcement just to name a few.


Isn’t it sad that when a black woman or any black person, in general, speaks truth to power even our own will lambast us? Senator McLeod elaborated on several things in her statements that truly align with South Carolina voters regarding the Democratic Party across the board. The numbers show proof of this, it is no surprise why black voters are exiting the party, new voters particularly younger voters are registering as independents, or just choosing not to vote at all.